Monday, April 9, 2012

Champ the Rockaholic

I have been very bad the last few days and I just can't seem to help myself. My problem is that I just love to eat rocks, you heard me correctly,  rocks of all sizes and shapes. The big ones have caused me some serious problems with me having to be operated on to remove them from my belly and intestines. My Vet said she wishes she could install a zipper on my belly to make her job easier. In the past 3 years I have had 4 rocks cut out of me, you think I would learn and stop doing it but I am a rockaholic! Well Wednesday morning I threw up my breakfast and Ed knew what that meant and he took me straight to the vet to get x rays, and you guessed it  there was a rock in my intestine, it wasn't real big but it needed to move on out. Dr. Michele thought it could work it's way out with a proper diet of medication and food. So for 5 days I was fed pure pumpkin puree, unsweetened apple sauce and Metamucil along with my Life's Abundance dry and can food. A couple of times each day Ed would put on some rubber gloves and check each pile of poop for the rock, it finally exited Sunday afternoon much to my re-leaf. I felt like a new man with a bounce in my step again and Ed took me on a long walk to be sure I was OK and have a heart to heart talk with me. New rules were set, no treats if I don't quit eating rocks period! I live for my treats so I had better break the rock habit. I'll try really really hard, Woof Woof!
Order some Life's Abundance for your Dog Now!