| I hear a lot of frequently asked questions. When I find a good answer to them, I like to pass them along; chances are that if a client is asking me, our readers probably wonder the same thing too. Today's question is a very popular one, especially during puppy season: do male or female dogs make better pets?
What do you think? Take our poll and let me know.
Do you have a preference? Many people do. A lot of owners swear that one or the other makes a much better pet. Clients have told me that they think male dogs are better "guard dogs" or that female dogs are "gentler." Some of these reasons are really interesting and I want to know what you think.
Read about the pros and cons of keeping both at Male or Female Dog - Which is Best?
In one poll I read, more people preferred male dogs to female dogs. Let's see how you vote. I’m really curious to read these results.
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